Today was the briefing for the new module 'Fashi0n Concepts and New Media'. Ian is really excited about the module as its a real chance for us all to push ourself and come up with some really creative ideas. I'm keen to get on though as there seems to be loads to do. Based on the word 'phantasmagoric', I'm going to start my research looking at optical illusions, Escher and Bridget Riley.
23rd January 2009
This week I've been working on my research, and trying to start on my design development. I've got some good garment and brand ideas, but it feels so rushed! I wish I had more time to really think about it all! I'm going to try and get all my design development done this week, so I can get on with the line-up and then concentrate on the event, as I know that is the most important part of the module. I hope I can think up some good ideas!
30th January 2009
This week I finished my line-up and have been planning my event. I'm really pleased with my line-up and I think it looks a bit quirky and different. I also think it'll work well with my brand identity. Based on my designs, I've decided to call my label 'phenomENA.' I think its really appropriate!
I've had a feel thoughts about the event, but at the moment I'm concentrating on research previous events for inspiration. I have thought though that I would like to have the event in the IMAX cinema at the London Science Museum, as I don't want a conventional catwalk show as its not really appropriate to the collection or the brand identity that I've created!
5th Febraury 2009
This week I've been putting together final ideas and getting the sheets done! It's all a bit stressful, and I feel like I have loads to do. Its also costing me a fortune as the sheets need to be A3 and in colour! I have had a good idea for my invitation though; I'd like it to be a puzzle cube with information about the event on the pieces, the trick being that you have to put the cube together to be able to read the information!

13th February 2009
Today I've been working on my critical path, and downloading some visuals for the video. I still have some sheets to do for the final portfolio, and my intivation still hasn't arrived, but I'm feeling positive, and I'm happy to see the brand coming together. I really want there to be a strong identity throughout the project, so I'm trying to make sure all the work ties together well.
26th February 2009
This is my last session to get everything done, and my video still isn't done!! I did some over reading week and it magically deleted itself from my memory stick which was very stressful. My invitation has only just arrived too, so I've had to rush a bit to put it all together, and the transfer paper I bought just hasn't worked and keeps peeling off the pieces which is very annoying. Still, I know I'll be done. I'm hoping to have some time tomorrow morning before the hand-in to do a quick website and some animations, so that I can hopefully grab some extra points there if the video doesn't turn out to well. Its going to be a late night!!