The lecture was interesting and told me a good deal about how companies work etc. However, a presentation was mentioned, and I'm nervous. I've read and reread the brief, but an unsure about what I should be doing at the moment. This is something that I need to be careful of- getting stressed about work to do, before any work is set. I need to realize that more instructions will be given at a later point, and also, that as the whole of second year have this module- if I don't know what to do, then it is unlikely that anyone will.
She really does know what she's talking about and the information could be useful, but we're yet to be told what we're supposed to be getting on with. Its ok to say 'do a presentation' but there should be a lecture schedule helping us to know what research we should be doing, what we need to know, and when the presentation should be put together. I know people would argue that we're second years now and we shouldn't be told when to do things. But this is a new subject and more guidance is needed. Otherwise everyone will be putting their presentations together the night before- hoping for the best.
23rd October 2008
The last couple of weeks, I'm afraid to say I've found this module rather tedious! No-one has told us yet what is going on, and I find the lectures a bit dull. Still, I've taken it into my own hands and I've contacted a footwear company that I think have an innovative product that I can develop further to attract more customers etc. They've agreed to send me a press pack, and some information about the set-up and development of the products. I've written a presentation plan, including my marketing plan so that I can do some research and start writing up my presentation next week. I want to develop a new product and so I also need to produce some samples over reading week

6th November 2008
This week I've got the press pack, and I've got a book out of the library on writing marketing plans and creating a company- its full of jargon, but has the basics too and it has helped me to write a good plan of what I need to do, and how I shall organise my presentation. I've also scanned in some images from the press pack to use on the presentation and make it look professional. All I need to do now is continue and come up with some prototype products.
The lecture's are still seeming like a total waste of time- convinced I may have actually fallen asleep this week. Sorry Bridget!

12th November 2008
Since getting all the information about the company, I've started to put together the presentation. Its been going well, and I keep refering back to the brief, as I want to make sure I get all the information in. My only worry is that it may be too long as I have to do a case study and discuss Redfoot and their competitors before discussing the new product.

23rd November 2008
This week I've been finalizing my presentation. I need to add a couple of extra pictures here and there and I have to do plenty of practice, but I'm fairly pleased with how it is. I have been practicing it, and have written a few concise note cards to help me. I don't want to have to read them but its always nice to have them there just in case!
Its hard to know whether I'll do well or not as this module was rather unexpected and I don't know Bridget well so its difficult to know what she expects or how she marks.
The most important thing I think is that I get all the information across in a confident and coherant manner!

10th December 2008
I've just done my presentation, and I'm pleased. It went really well, and although Bridget said it was too long, she said that she understand it had to be to get the information across. I just have to hope that I get a good mark now!
19th January 2009
Getting my mark back has been a real suprise, I got 87%!.. I had never expected that in a million years. Its really boosted my confidence in this module and its really encouraging. It's also nice to know, as if I don't manage a first in another module, this grade should boost it all up. I'm really pleased!
21st January 2009
This term we're to put together a business plan for the new product that we created in term one. Having put together a really thorough presentation, I already have most of the information I need to put together the plan. However, I'm going to get some research online about legal status's, other business plans, business insurance etc, as these are things that I'm unsure about.
11th February 2009
I've started work on my business plan and its going fairly well, but I need to ask Bridget for some help on a few questions, as I can't see how they are relevant to my case study.
I'm also stuggling to get some of the information about my case study company. They just don't want to tell me how many products they sell or how many people they employ. It's really very frustrating!
25th February 2009
I've just spoken to Bridget, and apprently there are different questions to fill in for the case study business plan!! I wish I'd known earlier as I spent hours filling the other plan in. How very frustrating!
3rd March 2009
This week I have been trying to gather together the information for my business plan. However, I've been having trouble. I've emailed the company to ask for their 5 year plans, aims etc etc, and they have emailed me back saying that they won't tell me in case their competitors get hold of the information. I've managed to get the financial information and employees information from the Companies House website, but it has cost me £8.00 which is ridiculous! Overall, I'm finding it all very frustrating. I'm going to have to 'make up' some of the information if I can't get it, which is something that I really really don't want to have to do.
16th March 2009 This week I have been finalising the notes to put together my business plan. I have been writing what I will write in each section. I want to start writing it properly this week and I know that I will need to add images, graphs and tables etc into my appendix as well as keeping together my final bibliography.
30th March 2009 Over the last two weeks I have been typing up my final business plan and I'm pleased to say that as a general rule it is a success. I'm pleased at my ability to answer the questions and I know that the appendix tables and graphs back up the information I have given as well as the quotes I have added in from popular business books. My only worry is that it is a little too long. I have cut out what I could but feel I cannot cut out any more information for fear it will not make sense. Over the next week I shall check through this plan for mistakes. I am glad though that it is nearly finished!